exchange acidity 意味

  • 置換酸度{ちかん さんど}


        acidity:     acidity n. 酸性度; 酸味. 【動詞+】 dilute the acidity of a substance ある物質の酸性度を薄める increase acidity 酸性度を高める The soil acts to neutralize the acidity of acid rain. 土壌は酸性雨の酸度を中和する働きをする
        acidity in:    《the ~》~の酸性度{さんせいど}
        acidity coefficient:    acidity coefficient 酸性係数[地球]
        acidity constant:    酸性度定数{さんせい ど ていすう}
        acidity determination:    酸度測定法{さんど そくていほう}
        acidity function:    酸性度関数{さんせい ど かんすう}
        acidity index:    酸性度指数{さんせい ど しすう}
        acidity of blood:    血液{けつえき}の酸性度{さんせいど}
        acidity of the urine:    尿の酸度{さんど}
        acidity profile:    酸性{さんせい}プロファイル
        active acidity:    活酸性
        corrective for acidity:    酸性{さんせい}の中和剤{ちゅうわざい}
        degree of acidity:    酸性度{さんせいど}
        excessive acidity:    過剰酸性{かじょう さんせい}
        gastric acidity:    胃液酸度{いえき さんど}


  1. "exchange a memorandum with" 意味
  2. "exchange a talk on matters of mutual interest" 意味
  3. "exchange a wealth of knowledge and information freely" 意味
  4. "exchange a word or two of greeting with" 意味
  5. "exchange a written contract" 意味
  6. "exchange acquisition" 意味
  7. "exchange adsorption" 意味
  8. "exchange algorithm" 意味
  9. "exchange allocation" 意味
  10. "exchange a word or two of greeting with" 意味
  11. "exchange a written contract" 意味
  12. "exchange acquisition" 意味
  13. "exchange adsorption" 意味

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